Worry. It can be such a futile and empty emotion…like thoughts leaking out of our head without purpose or direction. It’s a bad habit that exhausts our time and energy, leading to heavy days and sleepless nights.
So why do we keep doing it, and what does worry accomplish? Why is it worse in grief, and what can we do to finally break the cycle and stop the bad habit once and for all?
I thought I was the only one that felt that way after losing my wife 10 weeks ago.
Life has taken on a new meaning. My interest in participating in activities we shared and enjoyed (travel-dining out-hosting parties-going to the movies-playing cards-etc) abruptly evaporated. Gone, vanished, disappeared.
Focus and consideration, qualities I took pride in and heavily relied upon have become a thing of the past.
I want to be clear, I have no interest in harming myself or anyone else.
I’m suffering the greatest loss I have ever experienced, feeling sorry and pain at depths unimaginable. Seeking understanding and perspective.